Holy Orders

What is the sacrament of Holy Orders, and what does it do? What does it mean to be a priest, deacon, or bishop? Kai and Libby go through the history of the priesthood and what it looks like today.

Episode 44 · June 17, 2019 · YouTube, apologetics

Diving Deeper

  • What does it mean to you that you were baptized priest, prophet, and king, sharing in Christ’s own baptism? How does God call you to live out these roles in your daily life? What sacrifices are you called to make, or in what ways does God call you to serve others?

  • In what ways do the priests, bishops, and/or deacons you know give you an example of how to live like Christ?

  • Have you or has anyone you know ever discerned a call to ordained ministry? What inspired or factored into that discernment or being open to that call?

  • In what ways do you personally feel called to live in persona Christi?


  • Ask God: How are you calling me to live out my priesthood through baptism today? In what ways are you calling me to lay down my life for others? How are you calling me to be a prophet today? What might you be calling me to speak out about or speak truth over today? How are you calling me to live out what it means to be king, through my baptism today? How might I live in way that mirrors Christ’s example of goodness and holiness for others?

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