The Rosary

The Rosary might seem boring and irrelevant at first, but there's more to it than meets the eye, er...ear...Kai and Libby guide you through the history, meaning, and how it can benefit your spiritual life.

Episode 35 · February 21, 2019 · Learn the Rosary, YouTube, apologetics, pray the rosary, about the rosary

Diving Deeper

  • Which mysteries of the rosary (joyful, sorrowful, luminous, glorious) are you most drawn to? Which mysteries do you find most challenging to pray with? Why?
  • Why do you think the Virgin Mary might emphasize the importance of praying the rosary in her apparitions? What might a prayer life filled with reflection on the life of Christ through Mary’s eyes do for your spiritual life? What might that do for the world if we all cultivated that kind of spiritual life?
  • Have you noticed any spiritual fruits in your life from praying the rosary? Has anyone you know ever prayed a rosary for you? How would it make you feel to know that someone lifted you up through that kind of intentional prayer? Is there any one or any intention that you feel moved to lift up in particular through the rosary?


  • Rosary with Imaginative Contemplation - As you meditate on the mysteries of the rosary, imagine yourself in the scene (Ignatian contemplation), or you might try applying the scenes of the mysteries to experiences in your own life and see what God might be inviting you to notice. For example, if you’re praying the Joyful Mysteries, you might reflect on a time when you felt God called you to do something (the Annunciation), what it was like to share about that discernment and calling with other trusted friends (the Visitation), a time when that calling bore tremendous fruit in your life (the Nativity), anytime you’ve ever presented the fruit of your calling to others (the Presentation), a moment where you were tempted to doubt your calling but your hope was restored (the Finding of Jesus in the Temple). 

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